A Visual Blog:
A collection of thoughts,
works in progress and collaborations.

Risograph posters.
Documentation from the show "Friction and Fusions"

Production photos curtesy of Molly Ivy

Collaborator on Marco Guagnelli's project Piedra Hecha Cuerpo

Giving an artist talk at SAIC
Documentation from the show Whatever Hour You Woke There Was a Door Shutting
Documentation of an installation at No Nation Art Lab
Yixuan Pan interviews me for the Working Artist podcast

Filming for my film The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

On location in Detroit for my film The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Video collaboration with Claire Staples and Florence Woolley

I co-curated six gallery spaces for SAIC's 2021 Graduate Open Studio Night.

A still from Picture Consequences, a video exhibition projected on
the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Art
Images from Krissy Talking Pictures Presents: Double Dare- physical and virtual gallery show
Photos curtesy of Mycie Colodny

From 2019-2021 I helped run the video art collective Krissy Talking Pictures.

Sound Collaboration with LN Foster
Still from a collaborative piece with Grrl House Cinema

Composition made from frames used for animation in lsdsc's short film.
One of my contributions for the show Picture Consequences,
a video exhibition projected on the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Art

Photos curtesy of Mycie Colodny

Photo curtesy of Mycie Colodny