The Sound of Sinking Ships
Digital video, 16mm film, and 8mm film, 3 min 56 sec, 2021.
Clarity and obfuscation, entropy and order- explored through movement, music, video and film. The Sound of Sinking Ships is a dance improvisation documented in film, video, and animation. This video highlights movement itself as the figure flows through mediums, styles and levels of obfuscation and abstraction- including video, degraded 16mm and 8mm film and hand drawn animation.

Film Festivals
Interface Video Festival: Zagreb, Croatia
Non-syntax Experimental Image Festival, Calm and Punk Gallery: Tokyo
GRRL HAUS // Let's have a party!, Brattle Theater, Boston Moscow
IMAJITARI International Dance Film Festival: Jakarta, Indonesia
Streetside Cinema: a/perture cinema, Winston-Salem, North Carolina