Matter Out of Place
Mixed media animation, 2min 29sec, 2017
All houses are haunted houses; this short experimental animation explores the subtle horror of the mundane. Winner of St Francis College Woman's Film Festival's experimental competition and 3rd place in Athens Animfest.

Out of Place/In Progress
Acrylic paint on digital print, 18" x 26", 2017
This composition was created from original hand-painted frames from the short film Matter Out of Place. The piece reframes themes raised in the film; looking at both a single moment in time, and the repetitive motion spread out like days crossed-off in a calendar. Here, routine feels almost like a trap.
First Place winner of the juried show Motion Pictured at the East Alcove Gallery, International House- Philadelphia.
Screenings and Awards
1st Place: Experimental Competition: Saint Frances Women's Film Festival: New York.
Best Animated Film: The Somerville International Film Festival: Boston
3rd Place: Experimental Competition: 2019 Athens Animfest: Athens, Greece.
Official Selection: Sydney World Film Festival: Sydney
Kino pleme / Live Soundtrack: Belgrade, Serbia
Hong Kong Arthouse Film Festival: Hong Kong
The Greenhouse Ensemble Film Festival: New York
Brussels Independent Film Festival: Brussels
The Unforeseen/International Experimental Film Festival:
Belgrade, Serbia
Medusa Underground Film Festival: Las Vegas
Amimation Marathon 2018: Athens, Greece
Crema Helada: Tijuana, Baja California
Anim!Arte: Brazil
IVY Film Festival: Providence
First Takes Shorts Series: Philadelphia
Popup Anthology: Trenton
Women's Film Festival: Philadelphia
Cefalù film festival: Cefalu Italy
Locomocion / Experimental Animation Festival: Mexico City